
Donate to Our Community

More often than not, when you walk to a stranger and say to them, “We are 1,” they will look at you a certain way and be in denial. They would want to know WHY WE ARE 1. Well, here are some examples as to why we are: 1.

We believe that for us to grow and better serve our communities, we, as a people, need to come together to execute the challenges we face better. We are aware of the need for infrastructure, the lack of food resources, clothing, proper living facilities, medical care, education, and many other necessities all over the nation, more specifically in the state of Indiana. That is why we are here, and that is Why We Are 1. The people at Why We Are 1 are proud to be here in the state of Indiana, lending a helping hand wherever there’s a need.

We wish to continue our work in offering food pantry services, clothes, and other programs implemented where there’s a need. We plan to continue working with other organizations that are positively impacting their communities and create promotional videos bringing awareness of their services to the people of Indiana and other parts of our country. 

We at Why We Are 1 are passionate about our mission. We have been developing this organization for more than 5 years. I, Christian Bias, the CEO and founder of Why We Are 1, have served communities as a volunteer with other non-profits for more than 2 years in the states of Illinois and Indiana. Why We Are 1 will continue working to build a more prosperous future with your help and support. We want to extend our services to communities across the nation. We’re just starting this journey in Indiana. We accept and appreciate all forms of volunteer work, donations, and any other way you can contribute to our cause. We all need each other, and that is “Why We Are 1”.

Donate to Us Today!

Our team is always looking for donations to help out and continue supporting our community. Call us for more at 219-898-0006 in Gary, IN.

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